2024 Flights: August 10 (flight lands 9:30 pm)- September 21 (flight lands 8:30 pm)
RVC trips: TBD
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All flights leave from the Dayton International Airport on a Saturday at  6:00 AM.  We return home the same day between 10:45 PM and 11:15 PM.  Please come out to the Dayton Airport in the evening and Welcome Home the Veterans.  We gather in the ticket counter area.
Flight Dates:

Apr 20th – This flight is sponsored by Fairmont High School (Kettering)

May 25th -This flight is sponsored by Fairmont High School (Kettering)

Jun 22nd – This flight is sponsored by Clifford K Hellming

Jul 20th – This flight is sponsored by Springdale Elementary

Aug 17th – This flight is sponsored by the public accounting and business consulting firm of Clark Schaefer Hackett

Sep 21st – This flight is sponsored by the Troy Foundation

Oct 12th

Nov10th  – This flight is sponsored by the research and development company,  SRC, Inc.  (Note:  This is a Sunday)