2024 Flights: August 10 (flight lands 9:30 pm)- September 21 (flight lands 8:30 pm)
RVC trips: TBD
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Honor Flight Dayton RVC Program

Our next trip will be:  TBD

The Honor Flight RVC (Recreational Vehicle Convoy) is an alternate method of traveling to Washington, D.C. for those eligible veterans  who choose not to fly.

The convoy leaves from the Fairborn Holiday Inn on a Saturday around 7:30 am and consists of two travel days and a one-day tour of the memorials in D.C.  Two nights will be spent in a hotel just outside Washington, D.C. Guardians and medical personnel travel with the convoy. Sites visited include the WWII, Korean, Vietnam, and Marines memorials. In addition, stops are made at Arlington National Cemetery and the Women in Military Service to America. The convoy returns on Monday to the Fairborn Holiday Inn at approximately 5:30 PM to a welcome home reception.

The trip includes transportation, meals and a t-shirt at no cost to eligible veterans.   It is important that any participant be ambulatory (not wheelchair bound) and able to climb into a motor home and tour bus several times during the trip. In addition, participants must be able to stay in a hotel and take care of all personal needs with minimal assistance.

Contact Kelly Whiteman, Trip Coordinator, at 937-287-8287 or dllscwbyfn@hotmail.com for further information.