2024 Flights: August 10 (flight lands 9:30 pm)- September 21 (flight lands 8:30 pm)
RVC trips: TBD
 | Donate Now!

Donate Now!

Your Support Keeps These Trips  Completely Free for the Veterans

Honor Flight Dayton, Inc. is a Federal nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Mail your donation to:
Honor Flight Dayton, Inc

200 Canary Ct
Enon, OH  45323

Other ways to donate

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) – 99553
Federal workers please take note that Honor Flight Dayton is listed in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Please consider making a donation to Honor Flight Dayton during open enrollment in the Fall of 2019. 

Click on the buttons below to take you to the donation page for that organization

If you are making a donation in honor of or in memory of a special veteran, please click the “Add special instructions to the seller” link on the PayPal site and enter the name of the veteran in the space provided.


Or give through your workplace using