2025 Flights: April 26 (flight lands 8:30 pm)
RVC trips: TBD
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Additional instructions for attending the gate area reception

Dress is casual and patriotic. For Military we request UOD. This is not required, however you are noticed and recognized by our veterans more easily.  Whatever you wear or bring must be able to get through the TSA checkpoint..

You must choose where you want to cheer for our veterans…either upstairs or downstairs. You will not be allowed to go downstairs to the second reception until after the Honor Flight group has exited the secured area.

We encourage our base personnel to get a gate pass and be the first to greet us when we deplane.  However, if you choose to go upstairs, you must remain behind the Honor Flight group until we have exited the secured area.  This will be strictly enforced.  This is partly due to construction/ remodeling inside the airport terminal and partly due to capacity limits of the downstairs area in front of the ticket counters

Gate passes are available at the American Airlines ticket counter. You must obtain your gate pass and process through the TSA checkpoint prior to 8:00pm. They could close promptly, so please be as early as possible

Announcements/Questions in the gate area each night will be at 8:00pm. (You cannot hear in the restaurants.)

Plane arrives approximately 8:30:

  1. Line each side of the concourse, spread out, and cheer for these heroes. We discourage hand shaking as it not only takes a long time but we don’t want to risk the spread of the COVID virus.  If a veteran approached you, you’ll know the right way to greet them.  Have at it.  They are heroes after all.

  2. Signs, waving, noise, clapping, are all encouraged. Military unit pride like you show at promotions and important events is welcome and encouraged.

HFD Representatives will be in the gate area all evening w/applications, information and to answer questions.

The USAF Band of Flight (Spirit of Freedom) will be at the homecomings as their availability allows. They are awesome and always get great comments by the veterans.  These folks are on their own time so make a point to say thank you to them as well.

There is usually a sales desk set up selling hats, shirts, patches and DVDs (the Honor Flight movie). All proceeds go directly for a veteran to travel. There are no paid Honor Flight Dayton personnel.  We are volunteers just like you.  Volunteerism and goodwill make this program possible.

There is free Wi-Fi in the airport.

Garage parking should be free. There will be special exit lanes for Honor Flight. Let them know you were there to greet the flight

It’s been a LONG day for these travelers having arrived at the airport at 3:30am that same day. If they request anything, or if any Honor Flight Board member asks for your help, or if the airport personnel have requests, we’d really appreciate you helping out.  These rules are a guideline.  If you are unsure about anything, ask.