2024 Flights: August 10 (flight lands 9:30 pm)- September 21 (flight lands 8:30 pm)
RVC trips: TBD
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Honor Flight Dayton Open House

If you have traveled as a veteran or guardian on any Honor Flight Dayton trip, you are cordially invited to attend our end of year Open House held in your honor.

  • December 2, 2012 from 1:00 -4:00 p.m. (Formal program begins at 2:00 p.m.)
  • Clark County Fair Grounds (I-70, Exit 59)
  • Champion Center Buidling
  • Special guests:
    Jim Otte
    Bob Wolfe and Gloria Shanahan
    The New Horizons Jazz Band from The University of Dayton directed by Tom Daugherty Pfrogner

Please follow the HONOR FLIGHT signs.  Do NOT use the main entrance.  For more information, contact Honor Flight Dayton at (937) 322-4448.  Please bring your favorite photos to share with others.