2024 Flights: August 10 (flight lands 9:30 pm)- September 21 (flight lands 8:30 pm)
RVC trips: TBD
 | Donate Now!

How to Honor a Veteran

Hold a Fundraising Event

Fundraising is key in order to make this program successful. Volunteers from all across the Miami Valley Area hold fundraisers and donate the proceeds to Honor Flight Dayton. Community fundraisers, fundraisers sponsored by churches, schools, and fraternal organizations, have made it possible to offer free flights to over 6500 veterans.

With many veterans on the waiting list and more applications coming in, fundraising is paramount. We would be happy to talk with you about fundraising ideas and to learn about what you have planned.

Please CONTACT US if you are interested in helping in this way.

Make a Donation

Every donation helps.  Every dollar helps get a flight off the ground. Please go to our DONATIONS page for more information.

Keep Us in Your Prayers

Whether or not you can make a donation or volunteer your time, we ask for your prayers.  We pray for guidance and success with this program and especially for safe travel for our Veterans and volunteer guardians